Travel Insurance For Cuba & Medical Insurance

To enter Cuba you are required to have Travel Medical Insurance. This is often checked by immigration upon arrival in Cuba. If acceptable documentation is not provided, then you will have to buy travel insurance from the local insurance provider - Asistur S.A. - which has an office in the immigration area of the airport

US airlines that fly directly to Cuba include Asistur travel medical insurance in the cost of the airline ticket. Your boarding pass serves as proof of insurance. You can verify this information on the airline's website, but should not call the airline to ask because call center staff are usually misinformed.

Travel Insurance Coverage Options

U.S. citizens are required to select the "Special" option.


Option Economic Super Special*
Insurance only $3 $3.50 $4.50
Insurance with Tour booking $2.50 $3 $4
  Coverage Limits US$
Medical Expenses Due to Illness or Accident 7,000 12,000 25,000
Repatriation or Transport
Ill, Injured, or Deceased Person
15,000 15,000 15,000
Civil Responsibility (Loan) 3,000 5,000 5,000
Death or Permanent Disability
6,000 † 6,000 6,000
Luggage - Delay 200 200 200
Luggage - Material Loss n/a 500 500
Loss of documents
Arrangement Fees
300 300 300
Flight - Delay or Cancellation 100 100 100

* U.S. citizens are required to take the "Special" option
 For travellers 70 years or over, death is not covered, except death from an accident while traveling on public transport.
 Only for accidents while using public transport.
** Supplement of US$3/day required for travellers 70 years or over. This supplement is also required for high risk activities.

The Insurer


Our Travel Insurance partner in Cuba is Asistur S.A., a Cuban organisation that specializes in various kinds of assistance to foreigners. Asistur Travel Insurance purchased through Cuban Adventures will give you the advantage of dealing directly with Cuban institutions without having to contact an agency outside of Cuba to confirm to a Cuban entity that you are covered. For instance, if you need medical treatment or hospitalization while in Cuba, you simply call the local Asistur assistance number and, quote your policy number, and simply follow the instructions given to you by the duty officer. This should result in you receiving treatment and medical services without you having to pay in cash. Read more about what to do if you need medical attention.

Asistur has agencies in all the major tourist centers and represents 200 insurance and assistance companies of 40 countries.

ASISTUR Contact Information
Prado 208 e/ Colón y Trocadero Habana Vieja
Tel: (537) 866-8527 / 8920 / 8339 / 4121 / 867-1315
Fax: (537) 866-8087

More Details

The Insurer will pay the Insured Person or his/her Survivor the maximum sum in the event of any injury causing loss of life or permanent disability within 12 months of the injury. In case of an injury causing a partial and permanent disability, the Insurer will pay the Insured Person, also within 12 months of the injury, a percentage of the insured sum according to an indemnity table that is available on request.

Loss or physical damage by rough handling of baggage, fire, robbery or transportation hazards are covered by the insurance policy. If the Insured Person suffers the loss of baggage during transportation by an airline that is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Insurer will pay the total insured sum. In any case the Insured Person must present documented evidence to prove that the damage or loss occurred. Loss caused by negligence of the Insured Person is not covered.

An amount up to the maximum insured sum will be paid for costs incurred in Cuba for medical and dental emergencies, and for hospitalization and treatment, if the Insured Person becomes ill or suffers injury through an accident during the period of insurance. The Insurer will not assume payment for treatment of a pre-existing medical condition, known or unknown by the Insured Person.

An amount up to the maximum insured sum shall be paid for the accommodation and transportation of the Insured Person in case of an accident or illness during the period of insurance coverage when such an event prevents the Insured Person from leaving Cuba on the scheduled date, or if the Insured Person dies. In the event of death of the Insured Person, cost of burial, special coffins or urns are excluded.

The Insurer will pay up to the maximum insured amount if the Insured Person accidentally causes physical or material damage to a third person or his/her properties.

The Insurer will pay up to the maximum insured amount the expenses of the Insured Person in obtaining new travel documents in case of loss or theft of passport, ticket or visa.

A cash advance up to the maximum insured amount will be granted by the Insurer in case a Cuban Court of Justice rules that a bail bond is required as a result of a legal process started against the Insured Person for criminal liability in an accident.

How to get assistance in Cuba

If you require medical attention while you are in Cuba, you need to contact Asistur as soon as you can, preferably before you receive the medical attention, or otherwise while you are still receiving the medical attention. You will not be able to make a valid claim on your insurance AFTER you leave Cuba. Our experience indicates that you would be basically in one of two situations:

The nature of the problem is not very serious, and you are able to contact ASISTUR by yourself. In this case, you call the ASISTUR phone numbers we provide you with on your insurance policy statement. You can try requesting a Call Collect service. Some places in Cuba do not have this service, so you might have to pay the cost of the call, and later you can request a refund in writing and present this in person in the Asistur office in Havana. Once you are connected to an Asistur Duty Manager, carefully follow the instructions given.

You have a serious health problem, the need for treatment is urgent, and you are not able to contact Asistur yourself before you receive medical treatment. In this case, the important thing is that you receive immediate medical attention wherever you are, through the health professionals and/or establishments nearest you in Cuba. However, during the following 24 hours, you or any person accompanying you must call ASISTUR on the phone numbers we provide on your insurance policy statement, and provide all the information relevant to the situation and the assistance you have received. ASISTUR will then contact the Medical Center where you are, in order to control all the phases of the assistance provided to you and to cover the expenses that correspond, according to the terms of the General Conditions.

Making a claim

If for some reason you receive medical treatment in Cuba and do not contact Asistur, or are unable to contact Asistur at the time or during the course of your treatment, or you have expenses related to the event that have not yet been paid for by Asistur, you can later make a claim at the Asistur office in HavanaThis needs to be done in person and you need to allow time for the case to be processed (which may take several days), and still be in Cuba, so as to be able to receive any monies (benefits from the claim) in person.

Assitur will not pay any claims after you have returned to your country.

To make a claim, you need to present the following documentation...

  • The original receipts of the medical treatment you received in Cuba
  • Your passport
  • A hand written letter detailing your claim

For smaller claims, we recommend that the you assess whether completing this process is practical and worthwhile, especially if you need to rearrange your travel plans, and remain in Cuba longer than originally planned, just for this purpose.

Big Planet Adventures Pty Ltd. is a point of sale & is not responsible for processing or assisting in any claims made to Asistur.

General Conditions

You will not be able to make a valid claim on your insurance AFTER you leave Cuba. Claims can only be made in Cuba in person, and the claimant needs to be in Cuba at the time to receive any payable benefits. If you require medical attention while you are in Cuba, you need to contact Asistur as soon as you can, preferably before you receive the medical attention, or otherwise while you are still receiving the medical attention, for this medical treatment to be covered by Asistur. Disputes are to be settled under Cuban laws.

The insurance coverage is from the moment you arrive in the Republic of Cuba until you leave the country.

The Insurer will not be responsible nor indemnify for any damage, injury, or sickness caused by persons or professionals that are not authorised by the Insurer to give medical, pharmaceutical, or legal assistance.


Like all travel insurance policies, there are some activities and situations for which cover is not provided.

Medical, Transport, and Repatriation Expenses from Sickness or Accident
Asistur does not cover expenses for the following accidents and situations: War, civil or military uprising, terrorism, sabotage, strikes, detentions by authority, radioactivity, sea or mountain rescue, chronic illnesses, previously existing illnesses, congenitally recurring illnesses, prosthetics (such as contact lenses, hearing aids, glasses), pregnancy, birth, abortion, pregnancy complication, mental illness, participation in an illegal activity, suicide or attempted suicide, self inflicted injuries, treatment for intentional ingestion of drugs including alcohol, and medication without a prescription, consequences of surgery that was part of treatment for an accident, consequences of a sickness of any kind, accidents from participating in contact sport, motor sport, scuba diving, caving, and mountain climbing. This last exclusion can be covered by paying the high risk activity supplement.

From Cover for Luggage
Loss or damage to bank notes, airline tickets, stamp collections, documents for professional qualification, ID documents, credit cards, cheques, tapes, disks, cd's, documents stored on digital devices, glasses and contact lenses; Loss of objects from being forgotten or left behind, being left in a public place (or a place where other members of the public have access to) without vigilance, breakage from attempted robbery, damage caused by civil or military uprising, strikes, earthquakes, or radioactivity, damage caused by negligence including the leakage of a liquid, damage or loss caused by the confiscation by government authority; Loss or theft of hand luggage.

From Cover for Civil Liability
Asistur does not cover you for: Voluntary participation in fights (except in legitimate personal defence), popular movements, illegal acts; Professional or commercial activities such as selling merchandise, or providing services; from animals that are rented or lent to the insured; For intentional ingestion of drugs including alcohol, and ingestion of prescription drugs without a prescription; Piloting boats or aeroplanes, or using a firearm; Responsibilities for damage and loss to a rented or occupied property under your care, control, or custody in any form.

High risk activities

High risk activities, for which the high risk activity supplement needs to be paid, include: contact sports, motor sports, scuba diving, caving, rock climbing, hang-gliding, skydiving, hunting, mountain climbing (using ropes or guides). You can pay this supplement for the specific number of days that you will be participating in high risk activities.

Other Companies that provide Travel Insurance to Cuba

Here are a couple of other companies that offer travel insurance for journeys that include Cuba on the itinerary.

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