Health Precautions for Cuba Travel

Ask Your Doctor

Before traveling to Cuba, it is important that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date travel health information. The only one qualified to provide you with this advice is your family physician or a specialist from a Travel Health clinic.

The World Health Organisation website (WHO) contains excellent background information related to travel health issues specific to Cuba. Nevertheless this is no substitute for a personal consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Other recommendations

Travel Advisories on Cuba

Most Governments maintain websites dedicated to providing their citizens with the most up-to-date travel information. The websites below publish online travel reports containing the most recent news as well as background information on every country including Cuba with health and safety guidelines,

Common Health Concerns in Cuba


Cuba has had success dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and travel to Cuba does not pose any elevated risk. See the latest Covid-19 regulations for Cuba here.


Outbreaks of Cholera do occur occasionally in Cuba. Risks to travellers are relatively low, however it is important to drink only bottled water, and to follow the tour guide's recommendations about the consumption of any street food.

Dengue Fever and Chikungunya

Can be carried by mosquitos throughout the Caribbean, Central America, & South America, and Cuba is no exception. There are no vaccines for these diseases so make sure you carry, and use insect repellant, and take other precautions.


Is another mosquito borne disease with no vaccine and no medication to treat infection. It can also be sexually trasmitted and has limited transmission in Cuba. Infection in a pregnant woman can pose significant risks to the unborn baby. Pregnant women and women planning a pregnancy should visit a health care professional at least 6 weeks before travelling to discuss the potential risks of Zika virus.

Oropouche Fever

Transmitted by the bites of midges (small flies) and mosquitos, Oropouche outbreaks have occurred throughout South America and Cuba. It is often mistaken for Dengue, symptoms include intense headache, fever, and muscle aches. Symptoms usually begin 3-8 days after an infected bite and last 3 days to a week. There are no vaccines or treatments for this virus. 

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